Sabtu, 10 Desember 2011

Romance Town

Judul: Romance Town
Genre: Romance, Comedy
Tahun Produksi: 2011
Total: 4
Pemain: Sung Yu Ri, Jung Gyu Woon, Kim Min Joon, Min Hyo Rin

The story of domestic help who work for rich households. No Soon Geum is one of these housekeepers; despite the master-maid heirarchy, she’s bold, fearless, and unafraid of doing hard work in order to support herself. As a child, Soon Geum had dreamt of living a grand life in a Cinderella story, complete with her own white knight, but that dream had faded as reality took over. However, she reaches a turning point in her life when she is hired as a maid for the rich and handsome Kang Gun Woo.
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Can You Hear My Heart

Judul: Can You Hear My Heart
Genre: Romance, Drama
Tahun Produksi: 2011
Total: 5
Pemain: Kim Jae Won, Hwang Jung Eum, and Nam Goong Min

The love story of Cha Dong Joo, a man who’s been rendered deaf after an accident but pretends he can hear, and Bong Woo Ri, a woman who’s intelligent but pretends she’s dim-witted to protect the dignity of her mentally handicapped father.
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Believe In Love (My Love, My Family)

Judul: Believe In Love (My Love, My Family)
Genre: Drama, Family, Romance
Tahun Produksi: 2011
Total: 7
Pemain: Song Jae Ho, Sun Woo Yong Nyeo, Lee Jae Ryong, Park Joo Mi, Moon Jung Hee, Lee Sang Woo, Hwang Woo Seul Hye

Two strangers meet, fall in love and get married. After they have settled into married life, however, they face numerous marriage problems. Couples start to wonder why they even get married at the first place and think about divorce lamenting “I didn’t get married to live like this!’ But, shortly, you think of your parents who have managed to save their marriage for 40, 50 years. Why are the marital relationships of young generation more likely to break down easily? Are we too smart? Are we impatient? Or is it the way it should be in modern society? Tons of married couples visit family courts to break their vows, while numerous young people go on a date to find Mr. Right. . People do divorce at a huge rate nowadays and some think marriage is dead. However, lots of people still get married because they believe in this traditional institution. In this drama, high school vice president Kim and his 4 children struggle to resolve their marriage problems and towards the end they learn how to save their marriage.

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Journey to the West (2011)

Judul: Journey to the West (2011)
Genre: Fantasy, adventure
Tahun Produksi: 2011
Total: 8
Pemain: Wu Yue, Nie Yuan, Zang Jin Sheng , Elvis Tsui, Zhao Yi, Ady An

mengisahkan legenda tentang seorang pendeta Budha bernama Tang Sanzang atau Tripitaka (Nie Yuan) di masa Dinasti Tang, tepatnya pada masa pemerintahan Kaisar Taizong. Sanzang melakukan perjalanan ziarah ke Barat, tepatnya India untuk mendapatkan sebuah kitab suci Budha yang dikenal dengan nama kitab Sutra.

Pendeta Sanzang didampingi oleh tiga muridnya, yaitu Sun Wukong (Wu Yue) yang merupakan raja monyet, Zhu Baijie (Zang Jinsheng) si manusia babi dan Sha Wujing (Elvis Tsui). Selain tiga murid tersebut, masih ada satu murid lain, namun berbentuk seekor kuda putih yang ditunggangi Sanzang. Sebenarnya kuda putih itu adalah jelmaan pangeran naga. Keempat murid itu bersedia membantu Sanzang dalam misinya karena ingin menebus dosa mereka di masa lalu mereka.

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I Need Romance

Judul: I Need Romance
Genre: Romance, comedy
Tahun Produksi: 2011
Total: 4
Pemain: Jo Yeo Jung, Kim Jung Hoon, Choi Yeo Jin, Choi Song Hyun, Choi Jin Hyuk, Ha Yun Joo

The story of the love, lives, marriage, careers and families of single and independent career women in their 30s.
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Hair Show

Judul: Hair Show
Genre: Drama
Tahun Produksi: 2011
Episodes: 4
Total: 2
Pemain: Baek Jin Hee, Lee Seung Hyo, Cha Soo Yun, Hyun Woo

A story that about the top 1% of hair designers in Kangnam who’re determined to display their skills and soothe the hearts of tired souls who’re exhausted from life with their warm hands. Ever since the fateful day when she took up a part-time job at J Hair Collection and saw how the designers there can bring out the beauty and stylishness that people had never thought they had possessed, she was determined to become a hair stylist and make people happy using the talent at her fingertips.

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White Christmas

Judul: White Christmas
Genre: Mystery, thriller
Tahun Produksi: 2011
Total: 2
Pemain: Kim Sang Kyung, Baek Sung Hyun, Kim Young Kwang, Lee Soo Hyuk, Kwak Jung Wook

Kim Yo Han adalah seorang psikiater yang terlibat dalam pembunuhan serial ketika mobilnya mogok di malam Natal pada saat terjadi badai tiba-tiba dan ia terpaksa berlindung di sebuah sekolah tinggi swasta. Tujuh siswa dan guru juga di sana selama liburan musim dingin, tetapi mereka dibunuh secara bertahap satu per satu saat mereka menerima surat dari seorang pembunuh yang ingin membalas dendam atas kematian ibu dan adiknya.
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Judul: Manny
Genre: Romance, comedy
Tahun Produksi: 2011
Total: 4
Pemain: Suh Ji Suk, Choi Jung Yoon, Byun Jung Soo, Jung Da Bin, Goo Seung Hyun

Tall, with a perfect figure and his qualifications as an Ivy League graduate, Kim Yi Han is Seoul’s top male nanny. He is employed by Seo Do Young as a live-in nanny to look after her two young children, Eun Bi and Jung Min.
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The Dou

Judul: The Duo
Genre: Period, romance
Tahun Produksi: 2011
Total: 5
Pemain: Chun Jung, No Young Hak, Han Ji Hye, Jin Se Yun, Lee Sang Yoon, Choi Woo Shik, Seo Hyun Jin, Lee Moon Shik

Drama ini menceritakan tentang dua laki-laki yang tertukar saat lahir. Chun Dong (Chun Jung Myung) sebenarnya adalah anak dari bangsawan, namun menjalani hari-harinya sebagai budak. Berbeda dengan Gwi Dong (Lee Sang Yoon) yang menjadi seorang bangsawan. Takdir mempertemukan mereka dengan seorang gadis bernama Dong Nyeo (Han Ji Hye), dan jatuh cinta pada gadis yang sama. Dari sinilah persaingan bermula, hingga waktu mengungkap rahasia dibalik kehidupan mereka.
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49 Days

Judul: 49 Days
Genre: Fantasy, romance
Tahun Produksi: 2011
Total: 4
Harga: 20.000
Pemain: Lee Yo Won, Nam Gyu Ri, Jo Hyun Jae, Bae Soo Bin, Jung Il Woo, Seo Ji Hye

Drama “49 Days” bercerita mengenai seorang wanita dari keluarga kaya Sin Ji-hyeon (diperankan Nam Gyu-ri) yang sebentar lagi akan menikah dengan tunangannya (Bae So-bin), Tapi sebuah kecelakaan mobil membuatnya koma dan menghantarnya ke pintu gerbang kematian. Rohnya yang telah meninggalkan tubuhnya bertemu dengan “malaikatnya” Song Yi-soo (Jung Il-woo) yang bertugas mengumpulkan roh orang mati. Oleh Song Yi-soo, ia dibantu kembali ke kehdupan nyata dengan meminjam tubuh seseorang, Song Yi-kyeong (Lee Yo-won). Agar bisa tetap hidup, ia harus mendapat air mata yang tulus dari 3 orang yang mencintainya(kecuali orang tuanya) dalam waktu 49 hari. (Dalam agama Budha, dipercayai bahwa roh seseorang yang telah meninggal berada dalam masa transisi selama 49 hari, di mana karmanya selama hidup akan menentukan bagaimana rohnya akan bereinkarnasi pada kehidupan selanjutnya.)
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King Geunchog

Judul: King Geunchog
Genre: Historical
Tahun Produksi: 2011
Episodes: 60
Total: 8

Drama ini menceritakan tentang Kisah Raja Geunchogo, raja prajurit di Baekje. Di bawah pemerintahannya, kerajaan ini mengalami hari kemuliaan, dengan penaklukan militer yang dapat dikendalikan di sebagian besar semenanjung Korea dan kekuasaan politik yang mencapai puncaknya dalam sejarah Baekje.

Jin Seung merupakan teman terbaik Raja Geunchogo sejak kecil. Tapi di depan orang lain, Raja Geunchogo tetap bertindak sebagai raja walaupun Jin Seung adalah teman baiknya.
Bok Goo Geom adalah seorang pendekar kerajaan yang menjaga Raja Geunchogo.

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Baby-Faced Beauty

Judul: Baby-faced Beauty
Genre: Romance, comedy
Tahun Produksi: 2011
Episodes: 20
Total: 4
Pemain: Jang Na Ra, Choi Daniel, Ryu Jin, Kim Min Seo

Baby Face Beauty bercerita tentang seorang wanita yang berumur 34 tahun, beruntungnya, walaupun wanita ini sudah kepala 3, tapi punya wajah yang super imut. Wajah imut baby facenya benar-benar bisa menipu semua orang, bahkan boss di tempat dikerjanya sama sekali tidak mengetahui kalau umurnya adalah 34 tahun. Tapi, akhirnya, kebohongan terungkap, wanita ini langsung dipecat dari pekerjaannya karena pihak boss mengetahui umurnya yang sudah kepala 3.
api kemudian, dewi fortuna berpihak kepada wanita ini, wanita berumur 34 tahun ini bernama Lee So Young. Lee So Young akhirnya menemukan pekerjaan yang lebih baik, selain itu ia juga menemukan cintanya. Di tempat kerja barunya ini, Lee So Young bisa kembali merajut mimpi tentang menjadi seorang fashion designer.
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Lie To Me

Judul: Lie To Me
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Tahun Produksi: 2011
Episodes: 16
Total: 4
Pemain: Yoon Eun Hye, Kang Ji Hwan, Sung Joon, Hong Soo Hyun

Gong Ah Jung gets entangled in a web of lies when she mistakenly lies that she’s married to Hyun Ki Joon, an elite CEO from an affluent family. Their relationship is further complicated when Ki Joon’s ex-fiancĂ©e and a close friend of his brother’s, Oh Yoon Joo, reappears in his life.
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The Greatest Love

Judul: The Greatest Love
Genre: Romance, comedy
Tahun Produksi: 2011
Total: 4
Pemain: Gong Hyo Jin, Cha Seung Won, Yoo In Na, Yoon Kye Sang

Bintang yang sedang populer, Dok Go Jin(Cha Seung Won) dan Gu Ae Jung (Gong Hyo Jin)yang merupakan mantan selebriti papan atas dari girlband “Treasure Girls” memulai sebuah pernikahan palsu demi sebuah variety show. Manager Gu Ae Hwan (Jung Jun Ha) yang tidak hanya merupakan kakak dari Gu Ae Jung dan manajernya, dan juga manager dari “Treasure Girls” bersikeras agar Ae Jung ikut variwty show itu untuk mendongkrak karirnya dan menyadari kalau Kang Sae Ri (Yoo In Na) adalah cinta dari Dok Go Jin. Disamping itu ada seorang dokter obat oriental, Yoo Pil Joo (Yoon Kye Sang), yang sama sekali ga’ peduli pada dunia selebritis atau kehidupan mereka jadi terlibat cinta segi empat setelah jatuh cinta pada salah seorang gadis disini.
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New Tales of Gisaeng

Judul: New Tales of Gisaeng
Genre: Romance, Drama
Tahun Produksi: 2011
Total: 7
Pemain: Im Soo Hyang, Sung Hoon, Han Hye Rin, Kim Joo Young, Lee Sook, Baek Ok Dam

New Tales of Gisaeng depicts the love, sadness and pain of people surrounding a gisaeng house, where only VIPs can enter.

Dan Sa Ran majored in classical dance while attending college. Her mother died when she was still young and her father remarried, bringing with him a new stepsister and a materialistic stepmother whom she has trouble warming up to. Sa Ran comes from a poor family, but she maintains her dignity around friends who come from rich families. Either fate or coincidence brings her together with Da Mo, to whom she feels an instant attraction, but her awareness of her poor background restrains her from voicing it. A head gisaeng at Buyongkak observes Sa Ran’s natural beauty and grace as well as dancing talent, and recommends her to become a gisaeng.

Ah Da Mo takes business administration training at his father’s company. He does not get along with his father, who is indifferent towards his family and only shows affection towards their pet dog. Da Mo is cocky and tends to look down on women, but begins to question his attitude when he meets Sa Ran by chance. He finds himself involuntarily drawn to her, and their relationship begins.

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City Hunter

Judul: City Hunter
Genre: Action, suspense, romance
Tahun Produksi: 2011
Total: 4
Pemain: Lee Min Ho, Park Min Young, Lee Joon Hyuk

‘City Hunter’ adalah naskah asli berdasarkan novel terkenal di Jepang karya Tsukasa Hojo. Karena menjadi publik bahwa Korea akan menjadikan pembuat pertama dari kisah ini menjadi sebuah drama, ‘City Hunter’ telah menerima perhatian dunia. ‘City Hunter’ beralih pengaturan dari Tokyo Seoul 1980 sampai 2011, dan menurut struktur cerita asli, protagonis menjadi pemburu kota dan karakter mengembangkan sementara menyelesaikan kasus memuaskan.
Lee Yoon Sung (Lee Min Ho) bekerja di Blue House Nasional Tim Jaringan Komunikasi dan menerima gelar Ph.D di MIT Kim Na Na (Park Min Young), seorang atlet judo mantan yang bekerja sebagai pengawal untuk tinggal Presiden, Blue House. Kim Na Na akhirnya akan terlibat dalam cinta segitiga dengan Lee Yoon Sung dan jaksa Lee Joon Hyuk (Kim Young Joo). Drama juga menandai debut Goo Ra Ha akting dan dia akan memainkan peran putri Presiden, Choi Da Hye.
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Heartstring/ You've Fallen for Me

Judul: Heartstring/ You've Fallen for Me
Genre: Romance, music
Tahun Produksi: 2011
Total: 4
Pemain: Jung Yong Hwa, Park Shin Hye, Song Chang Ui, So Yi Hyun

Lee Shin adalah seorang mahasiswa jurusan musik modern. Ia juga vokalis dan gitaris dari band “The Stupid.” Shin dikenal karena ketampanannya dan semangat yang kuat untuk musik, namun pada kenyataannya ia dingin, tidak memiliki kepentingan apapun terkait dengan musik dan tidak memiliki mimpi atau rencana untuk masa depan. Dia awalnya suka Jung Yoon Soo, seorang profesor tari di universitas, tapi ini semua berubah ketika ia bertemu Lee Kyu Won.

Lee Kyu Won adalah mahasiswa cerdas yang lahir dari keluarga bergengsi dan jurusan instrumen tradisional Korea, khususnya gayageum. Kakek Kyu Won, Lee Dong Gun, adalah salah satu dari 3 musisi tradisional legendaris dan keinginannya yang terbesar adalah melihat cucunya menjadi pemusik tradisional yang handal. Mencoba untuk memenuhi harapan kakeknya, Kyu Won menenggelamkan diri dalam pelatihan dan menjadi mahasiswa yang tak tahu apa-apa di luar studinya. sebagai teman seorang penggemar band “The Stupid”, ia terpaksa pergi ke konser band dengan mereka. Di sana dia melihat Lee Shin sedang live performing, dan terpesona dengan aksi panggungnya.

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Warrior Baek Dong Soo

Judul: Warrior Baek Dong Soo
Genre: Period
Tahun Produksi: 2011
Episodes: 30
Total: 6
Pemain: Ji Chang Wook, Yeo Jin Goo,Yoo Seung Ho,Park Gun Tae

Set in a Joseon Dynasty during King Jeongjo’s reign, this martial-arts alloy sageuk is centered around a events involving Crown Prince Sado’s conspiracy. Warrior Baek Dong Soo was a real-life fable who combined a armed forces humanities beam in Joseon. His organisation who defends King Jeongjo is pitted opposite a puzzling classification of assassins who tract to kill a King.
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Protect the Boss

Judul: Protect the Boss
Genre: Romance, comedy
Tahun Produksi: 2011
Total: 4
Pemain: Choi Kang Hee, Ji Sung, Hero Jaejoong, Wang Ji Hye

Protect The boss adalah drama yang akan menggantikan City Hunter dan akan mulai tayang 3 Agustus mendatang di stasiun SBS. Drama dengan cerita komedi romatis ini bertemakan kepahlawanan. Di ceritakan No Eunsul (Choi Kang Hae) seorang pengangguran yang akhirnya mendapat pekerjaan sebagai sekretris di sebuah perusahaan besar. Di perusahaan tersebut ia harus berjuang untuk melayani bossnya, Cha Jihun (Ji Sung), seorang tuan muda kaya raya yang punya sikap urakan. No Eunsul juga bekerja untuk sepupunya Jihun, Cha Muwon (Kim Jaejoong). Cha Muwon adalah seorang yang berkemampuan hebat dan berambisi mengambil alih perusahaan sepupunya dan akan menikah dengan Seo Nayun (Wang Jihye), seorang pengacara yang juga punya ambisi besar. Dalam mewujudkan ambisinya Muwon juga dibantu oleh seorang sekretaris yang setia dan prefectionis, Yang Hayoung (Lee Heewon), dan kebetulan ia juga memendam perasaan suka terhadap bossnya, Muwon.
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Real School

Judul: Real School
Genre: SitCom, Comedy
Tahun Produksi: 2011
Total: 7
Harga: 35.000
Pemain: Do Ji Han, Joo Da Young, Kim Soo Yun, Dong Ho, Kim Dong Bum, Yoon Bong Gil, Hong Yoon Hwa, Lee Kiseop, Kim Young Chul, Park Seul Gi, Kwang Soo, Jung Won Joong, Guzal Tursunova, Lee Ki Chan

A sitcom about a group of students who have a phobia of English. They are enrolled into a “Secret Class” that is known for a high success rate of teaching students English. Each student has their own ‘secrets’ and problems with studying English.
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Hateful, But Once Again

Judul: Hateful, But Once Again
Genre: Romance
Tahun Produksi: 2009
Total: 4
Pemain: Jung Gyu Woon, Park Ye Jin, Choi Myung Gil, Park Sang Won, Jun In Hwa, Joo Hyun, Lee Mi Young, Kim Bo Kang, Han Ye In, Oh Mi Yeon, Sun Woo Jae Duk, Kim Mi Ra, Son Jong Bum, Kim Yong Rim, Hyun Sook Hee, Yoo Hye Ri

Lee Min Soo (Jung Gyu Woon) is the Korean male version of Paris Hilton. He meets Choi Yoon Hee one day when he was trying to avoid one of his many conquests. Min Soo’s mother, Han Myung In, thinks that Yoon Hee has what it takes to rein in Min Soo and his playboy behaviors. She offers Yoon Hee a deal that she cannot resist: to become Korea’s Hillary Clinton.
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In-Soon Is Pretty

Judul: In-Soon Is Pretty
Genre: Drama, Romance
Tahun Produksi: 2007
Total: 4
Pemain: Kim Hyun Joo, Kim Min Joon, Seo Hyo Rim, Lee In Hye, Lee Wan, Na Young Hee, Uhm Hyo Sup, Lee Hyun Joon, Choi Il Hwa, Kim Mi Kyung, Park Soon Chun, Cha Young Ok, Lee Mae Ri, Jang Young Ran, Na Yoon, Jo Duk Hyun

Park In Soon accidentally killed another girl when she was in high school. After serving her time in prison, she tried to rebuild her life but was unsuccessful due to her criminal record. She was encouraged by her high school teacher but feeling down and out, In Soon decided that her life wasn’t worth living and attempted to commit suicide by jumping off the train track. Just then she was stopped by Yoo Sang Woo, her childhood friend who had moved to Canada before the incident. Through a series of events, In Soon was reunited with her mother, the famous actress Lee Sun Young who abandoned her soon after her father passed away. Can In Soon finally begin a new life and find happiness?
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Nine Talied Fox/ Forbidden Love

Judul: Nine Talied Fox/ Forbidden Love
Genre: Romance, Drama
Tahun Produksi: 2004
Total: 4
Pemain: Kim Tae Hee, Jo Hyun Jae, Jun Jin, Han Ye Seul, Park Joon Suk, Uhm Tae Woong, Lee Hwi Hyang, Dok Go Young Jae, Kwon Hae Hyo, Jung Kook Jin, Lee Sang In, Kim Ji Woo, Kim Ye Ryung, Seo Yoo Jung, Kim Hak Chul

Shi Yeon is a Nine-Tailed Fox living undercover in the human world. By day, Shi Yeon is an employee at a natural history museum. By night, she’s a top-ranking woman warrior in the Nine-Tailed Fox clan, charged with preserving the delicate balance between man and fox. But her world is sent spinning when an atrocious serial murder – where the victims have had their internal organs gouged out – is uncovered. Detective Min Woo believes the murders may relate to the organ trafficking trade, and goes undercover in a seedy organ smuggling ring. But Min Woo’s cover is blown, and it’s only through the intervention Nine-Tailed Fox warrior Mu Young and Shi Yeon that he’s able to survive! But he’s seen their true identities as Nine-Tailed Foxes…can he be allowed to live?
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My Perfect Girl

Judul : My Perfect Girl
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Tahun Produksi: 2006
Total: 4
Harga: 24.000
Pemain: Lee Moon Shik, Lee Joong Moon, Im Hyun Sik, Park Sun Young, Hong Soo Ah

The 101st Proposal atau lebih dikenal sebagai ‘My Perfect Girl’ bercerita tentang Dal-Jae (diperankan oleh Lee Moon Shik), salah satu bujangan yang nampaknya tidak mungkin mendapatkan istri walaupun sudah mengikuti kencan yang diatur untuk mencari istri. Kamu tahu, Dal-Jae memiliki segalanya, dia ganteng… OK, dia tidak terlalu ganteng, tapi dia kaya… maksudku hatinya yang kaya (inner beauty gitu loh). Walaupun Dal-Jae memiliki dialek daerah yang kental, dia memiliki banyak kharisma, mungkin saja dia terlalu pemilih (atau sebaliknya, wanita yang tidak mau memilihnya)! Suatu hari dia bertemu dengan gadis sempurna, Han Su-Jung (diperankan oleh Park Sun-Young)
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Spring Day

Judul: Spring Day
Genre: Drama, Romance
Tahun Produksi: 2005
Total: 4
Pemain: Ko Hyun Jung, Jo In Sung, Ji Jin Hee, Lee So Yeon, Han Go Eun, Lee Hwi Hyang, Jang Yong
Teks: Inggris

Miniseries about a woman who was given up for adoption as a child falling in love with 2 brothers during 2 different time periods.
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Judul: Phoenix
Genre: Drama, Romance
Tahun Produksi: 2004
Episodes: 26
Total: 5
Pemain: Lee Seo Jin, Lee Eun Joo, Jung Hye Young, Eric

Love is timing. Love needs just the “right time”. It’s not because you loved him or her less that you parted. Heaven brings you your soul mate when the time is just “right”. Phoenix shows you this heaven’s work.

There is a young couple who desperately fell in love but who couldn’t be together because the time wasn’t just right for them. Years pass by and these two meet again. And the trick of fortune switches their situation and environments. A daughter of a millionaire (Lee Eun Joo) has now become an helper suffering from the grim realities of life. On the other hand, an orphan self-supporting student (Lee Seo Jin) is now an accomplished wealthy businessman. Now these two people are looking at the world with different eyes. The childlike girl has finally learned the harshness of the world and the guy with once twisted mind has learned to enjoy the latitude of mind. In the end, these two start to understand each other, thus arriving at the “right time”.

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Bad Couple

Judul: Bad Couple
Genre: Romance, Comedy
Tahun Produksi: 2007
Episodes: 15
Total: 4 disk
Pemain: Shin Eun Gyung, Ryu Soo Young, Choi Jung Yoon, Byun Jung Soo, Yoo Gun, Chae Min Seo
Choi Gi Chan is an University Botanic Professor with the “perfect genes.” The drama is about an editor of a fashion magazine, Kim Dang Ja, who suddenly develops an urge to have her own baby despite opposing the idea of marriage. The story will talk about Dang Ja striving to look for a man with perfect genes to accomplish her mission. Gi Chan happens to be her “target” in order for her to accomplish her mission. The story later develops as Dang Ja must persuade him to do it without any commitments, which is a problem because Gi Chan doesn’t believe in the idea of sex before marriage.
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Judul: Super Rookie
Genre: Drama, Romance. Comedy
Total: 4
Pemain: Eric, Han Ga In, Oh Ji Ho, Lee So Yeon

Cerita dari film ini tentang Kang Ho. Kang Ho merupakan seorang pemalas, ga pernah kuliah akan tetapi humoris dan pandai bergaul, apa lagi sama yang namanya cewek. Hobinya membaca komik komik silat, main kartu dan kick boxing. Bisa kebayang deh bagaimana berantakannya tuh bocah. Dia sudah melamar ke berbagai perusahaan akan tetapi hasilnya nihil. Sampai suatu ketika karna suatu kesalahan pada komputer pemeriksa soal ujian.Dia masuk ke suatu perusahaan bergengsi. satu persatu faktor keberuntungan selalu muncul pada dirinya, lolos ujian wawancara. Biar bagaimanapun bau busuk ikan bila ditutup tutupi akan tercium juga. Walaupun sering di cemooh karena latar belakangnya yang buruk. Dia selalu menyelesaikan smua masalah dengan semangat dan pantang menyerah.
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Minggu, 13 Maret 2011

Daftar Film Seri Korea Terakhir


A Love To Kill ( Rain, Shin Min Ah ) 4D

A Man Called God (Song Il Gook, Han Chae Young) 4D 24e

A Second Proposal ( Oh Yun Soo, Kim Young Ho, Heo Young Ran, Oh Ji Ho) 4D 22e

All About Eve (Jang Dong Gun, Chae Rim, Han Jae Suk, Kim Jeung Eun) 3D 20e

All About Marriage/Please Marry Me (Lee Jong Hyuk,Kim Ji Young,Oh Yoon Ah ) 6D 56e

All In ( Lee Byung Hun,Ji Sung, Song Hye Kyo ) 4D

Aquarius ( Lim Jeong Eun, Ha Joo Hee,Choi Ryeong, Kim Jeong Wook) 7D 30e

Assorted Gem (Go Na Eun,So Yi Hyun,Lee Hyun Jin,Lee Il Min) 5D 50e

Aster Flower ( Ko Doo Sim, Joo Hyeon, Park Sang Myeon ) 4D

Athena Goddess Of War/Iris 2 ( Jung Woo Song, Cha Seung Won, Lee Ji Ah ) 4D 20e


Bad Love ( Kwon Sang Woo,Lee Yo Won) 5D

Bad Man / Bad Guy ( Kim Nam Gil, Han Ga In ) 4D 17e

Beating Heart ( Bae Jung Ok, Kim Chang Wan, Bae Doo Na, Kim Dong Wa) 2D 12e

Becoming A Billionaire/The Birth Of The Rich (Ji Hyeon Woo, Lee Bo Yeung ) 4D 20e

Beethoven Virus (Kim Myung Min, Lee Ji Ah, Jang Geun Seuk) 4D

Before And After Plastic Surgery ( Lee Jin Wook, So Yi Hyun, Kim Sung Min ) 3D 12e

Bon Appetit ( Park Min Kyu) 3D

Boys Before Flowers (Koo Hye Sun, Lee Min Ho, Kim Hyun Joong, Kim Joon) 5D 25e

Bread, Love And Dreams / Baker King, Kim Tak Goo ( Yoon Si Yoon, Joo Won, Lee Yeong Ah ) 5D 30e

Brilliant Legacy/Shining Inheritance (Han Hyo Joo, Lee Seung Ki) 5D 28e


Cain And Abel ( So Ji Sub,Han Ji Min ) 5D

Can Anyone Love/Love To Anybody (Ji Soo Won, Yoo Ho Jeong, Han Go Eun,Son Hwa Ryeong) 7D 50e

Cinderella Man (Kwon Sang Woo, Im Yoon Ah, Han Eun Jung) 4D 16e

Cinderella's Stepsister ( Moon Geun Yeong , Cheon Jeong Myeong) 4D 20e

City Of Glass ( Yoon So Yi, Lee Hye Sook, Lee Han Wie) 7D 51e

City Hall ( Cha Seung Won, Kim Sun Ah ) 3D

Coffee House ( Kang Ji Hwan, Ham Eun Jeong ) 4D 16e

Comrades ( Choi Soo Jong, Lee Tae Ran, Lee Duk Hwa, Kim Roe Ha ) 4D 20e

Creating Destiny ( Eugene, Ki Tae Young, Kim Jung Na, Jung Suk Wo) 4D 31e

Cruel Temptation/Temptation Of Wife (Jang Seo Hee, Kim Yong Gun, Yoon Mi Ra) 10D 129e


Daemul (Ko Hyeon Jeong, Kwon Sang Woo, Cha In Pyo,Lee Soo Kyeong) 4D 24e

Dalja's Spring ( Chae Rim,Lee Min Ki ) 4D

Dandelion Family ( Yang Mi Kyeong, Song Seon Mi, Yoo Dong Geun ) 3D--BELUM TAMAT

Daring Women ( Lee Yoo Ri, Seo Ji Young, Kang Sung Min ) 5D 105e

Daughter In Law ( Jung Chan,Moon Jung Hee,Kim Yeon Joo) 6D 131e

Definitely Neighbors ( Son Hyeon Joo, Yoo Ho Jeong, Kim Seong Ryeong ) 6D 65e

Der Yalu Hiesst ( Jung Yoon Seok, Na Moon Hee ) 2D

Doctor ( Jang Dong Gun, Lee Young Ae ) 5D

Don't Hesitate ( Lee Sang Woo,Kang Soo Han,Park Young Ji,Choi Ran) 6D 98e

Dr Champ ( Kim So Yeon, Jeong Kyeo Woon, Cha Ye Ryeon ) 4D 16e

Drama City 2D

Dream ( Joo Jin Mo, Kim Bum, Son Dam Bi, Park Sang Won) 4D 20e

Dream High ( Kim Soo Hyun, Suzy, Taecyeon ) 4D 16e


East Of Eden (Song Seung Heon, Yeon Jeong Hoon, Lee Da Hae) 10D 56e

Endless Love/Autumn In My Heart ( Song Hye Kyo, Won Bin, Song Seung Hun ) 3D

Evasive Inquiry Agency ( Lee Min Ki, Lee Eun Song ) 6D


Fashion '70 (Lee Yo Weon, Joo Jin Mo, Kim Min Jung) 5D 28e

Fight ( Yoo Gun, Lee Young Jin, Baek Do Bin ) 2D

Flames Of Desire ( Lee Soon Jae, Kim Byung Gi, Lee Hyo Choon ) 3D 22e--BELUM TAMAT

Forbidden Love ( Jo Hyoun Jae, Kim Tae Hee, Song Il Gok ) 5D 16e

Four Sister ( Han Jae Seok, Chae Rim, Ji Jin Hee, Hwang Soo Jeong ) 6D

Freedom Fighter Lee Hoe Young ( Jeong Dong Hwan, Ahn Jae Mo ) 3D

Friend Our Legend (Hyeon Bin, Kim Min Joon, Seo Do Yeong, Min Ji Hye) 4D 20e

Full House ( Rain, Song Hye Kyo ) 3D


General Hospital 2/Emergency Unit ( Kim Jeung Eun, Cha Tae Hyun ) 4D

Get Karl!Oh Soo Jung ( Oh Ji Ho, Uhm Jung Hwa ) 6D

Giant ( Lee Beom Soo, Park Jin Hee, Joo Sang Wook ) 9D 60e

Give Me Food ( Ha Hee Ra, Kim Hye Sun, Oh Yoon Ah) 6D 106e

Gloria ( Bae Doo Na, Lee Chun Hee ) 7D 50e

God of Study/Master Of Study/Lord Of Study (Kim Soo Ro,Bae Doo Na,Oh Yoon Ha)3D 16e

God's Quiz ( Ryu Duk Hwan, Yoon Joon Hee ) 2D 10e

Golden Fish (So Yoo Jin, Lee Tae Gon) 3D 12e--BELUM TAMAT

Good Job, Good Job (Chae Rim, Eum Gi Joon, Kim Seung Soo) 5D 40e

Gourmet ( Kim Rae Won,Nam Sang Mi ) 6D

Green Coach ( Song Seon Mi, Jeong Seong Hwan ) 7D 113e

Guardian Angel ( Song Hye Kyo, Kim Min Jong, Kim Min ) 4D 16e


Hanoi Bride ( Lee Dong Wook,Kim Ok Bin ) 2D

Happiness In The Wind / A Good Day For The Wind To Blow ( Kim So Eun, Jin E Han, Lee Hyun Jin ) 9D 173e

Happy Together ( Lee Byung Hun, Song Seung Hun, Kim Hae Nul ) 4D 20e

Harvest Villa ( Sin Ha Gyoon, Lee Bo Yeong ) 3D 16e

Hello God ( Yoo Geon, Kim Ok Bin ) 4D 16e

Hello Miss ( Lee Da Hae, Lee Ji Hoon ) 6D

Hero ( Lee Jun Ki, Yoon So Yi, Uhm Ki Joon, Baek Yoon Shik) 3D 16e

High Kick Through The Roof ( Lee Soon Jae, Choi Daniel ) 8D 63e

Home Sweet Home ( Kim Hye Soo, Hwang Shin Hye, Shin Sung Woo ) 3D 16e

Hot Blood/Passionate Entrepreneur ( Park Hae Jin, Chae Jeong An, Choi Cheol Ho, Jo Yoon Hee) 4D 20e

Hotelier (Bae Yong Jun,Song Hye Kyo,Song Yun Ah) 4D

How Much Love ( Kim Ji Hoon, Jo Yuh Jung ) 13D

Hyunhaetan Marriage ( Baek Ill Sub, Im Joo Hwan ) 2D


I Am Happy (Kim Hyo Jin, Lee Jong Won, Lee Eun Song) 9D 58e

I Am Legend (Kim Jung Eun,Lee Joon Hyuk,Kim Seung Soo) 4D 16e

I Am Sam ( Yang Dong Geun, TOP, Park Min Young, Lee Min Hoo ) 4D 16e

I Can't Stop ( Kim Kyu Ryi, Lee Ji Hoon, Park Ha Sun ) 6D 129e

I Hate You But It's Fine ( Han Ji Hye,Kim Ji Suk ) 15D

I Love You ( Ahn Jae Wook, Seo Ji Hye ) 4D

I Love You Don't Cry ( Lee Yoo Ri, Lee Jeong Jin, Oh Seung Hyeon ) 8D 132e

I'll Give Everything For You (Hong Ah Reum,Oh Mi Hee,Yoon Ah Jeung ) 8D 150e

I'm Sorry I Love You ( So Ji Sub, Im Su Jung ) 4D

Ice Girl / She’s Comeback (Kim Hyo Jin, Kim Joo Seung, Kim Nam Jin) 4D 16e

In Soon Is Pretty ( Kim Hyun Joo, Lee Wan, Kim Min Joon ) 6D

Innocent You ( Ahn Jae Mo, Danny Ahn, Im Sung Eon ) 3D--BELUM TAMAT

Iris ( Lee Byung Hun, Kim Tae Hee, Jung Joon Ho, Kim Seung Woo) 4D 20e

It's Ok Daddy Girl ( Park In Hwan, Moon Chae Won, Lee Dong Hae ) 4D 17e


Jolly Widows ( Shim Hye Jin, Park Hae Mi, Kim Young Ok, Lee Chung Ah) 8D 155e

Juliet's Man ( Cha Tae Hyun, Ye Ji Won ) 5D 18e

Jungle Fish 2 ( Hong Jong Hyun, Park Ji Yeon ) 2D 8e


Kyungsook's Father ( Shim Eun Kyung, Jung Bo Suk) 2D


Last Scandal ( Choi Jin Sil, Jung Joon Ho ) 4D

Let’s Get Married ( Seong Yeon Kang, Da Hun Yun,Park Shi Hoo ) 6D 51e

Life Is Beautiful ( Kim Yong Rim, Lee Min Woo ) 7D 63e

Little Bride ( Lee Dong Gun, Han Ji Hye, Lee Da Hae ) 5D 16e

Little Hero (Chae Rim) 5D

Little Mom Scandal ( Hwang Jung Eum, Jung Hee Jung ) 4D

Love & Marriage ( Kim Min Hee, Kim Ji Hoon ) 4D

Love Discovery/Finding Love ( Alex, Yoon Ji Min ) 4D

Love In Three Colors ( Choi Ji Woo, Ryu Jin ) 8D 56e

Love In Heaven ( Yoon Jeong Hee, Lee Tae Gon, Wang Bit Na ) 8D

Love Need Miracle ( Kim Yuan Xi, Lee Kui Han ) 6D

Love Story In Harvard ( Kim Rae Won, Kim Tae Hee ) 4D 16e

Loveholic ( Kang Ta, Kim Min Sun ) 2D 16e

Lovers In Paris ( Kim Jung Eun, Park Shin Yang, Lee Dong Gun ) 5D 20e

Loving You A Thousand Times (Lee Soo Kyung,Kil Yong Woo,Baek Jin Hee,Lee Mi Young) 7D 55e


Mackerel Run ( Lee Min Hoo, Moon Chae Won ) 4D

Magic ( Kim Hyo Jin , Kang Dong Won ) 5D

Marry Me Mary/Marry Stayed Out All Night ( Moon Geun Young, Jang Geun Suk, Kim Jae Wook ) 4D 16e

Marrying A Millionaire ( Kim Hyun Joo, Go Soo ) 3D

Memoirs Of Bali ( So Ji Sub, Ha Ji Won, Jo In Sung ) 3D

Mina ( Chae Jung Ahn, Ahn Jae Mon, Kim Sa Rang ) 4D

More Charming By The Day ( Song Ok Sook, Im Ha Ryong ) 7D

Mothers And Sisters ( Ahn Jae Wook, Kim So Yeon, Go Soo ) 7D

Mr Goodbye (Ahn Jae Wook,Lee Bo Young) 5D

Mrs Town ( Oh Hyun Kyeong, Song Seon Mi, Choi Song Hyeon) 3D 12e

My Fair Lady ( Yoon Eun Hye, Yoon Sang Hyun, Jung Il Woo) 3D 16e

My Girl ( Lee Da Hae, Lee Dong Wok, Lee Joon Ki, Park Si Yeon ) 4D

My Girlfriend Is A Nine Tailed Fox ( Lee Seung Ki, Shin Min Ah ) 4D 16e

My Life’s Golden Age (Moon So Ri, Lee So Yeon, Shin Sung Rok) 6D 56e

My Love ( Shin Ae Ra, Lee Chang Hoon ) 6D

My Mom, Super Mom (Jin Won, Kim Ha Neul, Lee In Sung, Shin Hye Jin) 4D 25e

My Name Is Kim Sam Soon/My Lovely Sam Soon (Kim Sun Ah,Hyun Bin ) 4D

My Precious Child (Kim Sung Soo, Lee Tae Ran, Shin Ki Joon, Ji Hyun Woo) 7D 54e

My Princess ( Song Seung Hun, Kim Tae Hee, Park Ye Jin ) 4D 16e

My Sweet Soul ( Choi Kang Hee, Ji Hyun Woo ) 4D

My Woman ( Park Sol Mi, Ko Joo Won ) 6D


No Limit/Heading To The Ground ( Jung Yun Ho, Go Ah Ra, Lee Sang Yoon, Lee Yoon Ji) 3D 20e


Obstetrics And Gynecology Doctors (Jang Seo Hee, Ko Joo Won, Suh Ji Suk, Lee Young Eun, Song Joong Ki) 3D 16e

Oh My Lady ( Chae Rim, Choi Si Won ) 4D 16e

On Air ( Kim Hae Nul, Park Yong Ha ) 5D

One Fine Day ( Gong Yoo, Sung Yu Ri ) 4D 16e

One Mom & Three Dads ( Eugene, Jo Hyun Jae, Jae Hee ) 4D

Over The Rainbow ( Ji Hyun Woo, Seo Ji Hye ) 5D 16e


Paradise Ranch ( Shim Chang Min, Lee Yeon Hee, Yoo Ha Na ) 2D 8e--BELUM TAMAT

Pasta ( Gong Hyo Jin, Lee Sun Gyun, Lee Ha Nui, Alex ) 4D 20e

Personal Taste/Personal Preference ( Lee Min Ho, Son Ye Jin ) 4D 16e

Pink Lipstick ( Park Eun Hye, Lee Jo Hyun,Nam Il Woo ) 6D 149e

Playfull Kiss ( Jung So Min, Kim Hyun Joon ) 4D 16e

Playfull Kiss 2 Special Edition (Kim Hyun Jung, Jung So Min, Lee Tae Sung) 2D

Powerful Opponent ( Chae Rim, Lee Jin Wook ) 4D

President (Choi Soo Jong, Ha Hee Ra ) 4D 20e

Princess Hour ( Yoon Eun Hye, Joo Ji Hoon, Kim Jeong Hoon ) 6D

Princess Hour 2/Goong S ( Se7en, Heo Yi Jae,Park Shin Hye) 4D

Project Runway Korea ( Lee Woo Kyung, Nam Yong Seop ) 3D

Prosecutor Princess ( Kim So Yeon, Park Shi Hoo ) 4D 16e


Queen Of Housewives (Kim Nam Joo, Oh Ji Ho ) 5D

Queen Of Reversals ( Kim Nam Joo, Jeong Joon Ho, Chae Jeong An ) 5D 31e

Queen Of The Game ( Joo Jin Moo, Lee Bo Yeong, Choi Joon Young ) 3D


Racing Heart / Running ( Baek Seong Hyeon, Park Min Yeong ) 3D 4e

Recipe Of Love/Love Hymn 8D

Road Number 1 ( So Ji Sub, Kim Ha Neul, Yoon Kye Sang ) 4D 20e

Rock Rock Rock ( No Min Woo, Hong Ah Reum ) 2D 4e

Romance Zero ( Lee Tae Sung, Lee Da In ) 4D


Sad Sonata/Sad Love Song ( Kwong Sang Woo, Kim Hee Sun, Yeon Jung Hoon ) 3D

Sang Do Let's Go to School ( Rain, Lee Dong Gun, Hong Su Hyun ) 6D

Sassy Girl Chun Hyang ( Jae Hee, Han Chae Young ) 4D

Save The Last Dance For Me ( Ji Sung, Eugene ) 4D 20e

Secret Agent Miss Oh/My Country Calls ( Lee Soo Kyung, Kim Sang Kyung, Ryu Jin) 4D 16e

Secret Campus (Lee Min Ho, Park Bao Young, Ahn Yong Koon, Bae Yoo Mi) 5D 24e

Secret Garden ( Hyun Bin, Ha Ji Won, Kim Sa Rang ) 4D 20e

She's Cool (Ryu Si Won) 6D

Sign ( Park Shin Yang, Kim Ah Joong, Uhm Ji Won ) 4D 16e--BELUM TAMAT

Single Again ( Kim Ji Ho, Kim Sung Min ) 4D

Single Dad In Love ( Oh Ji Ho, Heo Yi Jae ) 4D

Single Life ( Kim Yu Mi ) 4D

Smile You ( Lee Min Jung,Lee Chun Hee,Kang Suk Woon,Heo Yoon Jung) 6D 45e

Smurim ( Park Ki Woong, Jang Hee Jin, Lee Joo Suk ) 4D 16e

Solitude ( Lee Mi Sook, Ryoo Seung Beom ) 6D

Someday ( Bae Doo Na, Kim Min Joon ) 5D

Soul ( Lee Seo Jin, Im Joo Eun ) 2D

Spring Waltz ( Han Hyo Joo, Suh Do Young, Daniel Henney ) 5D

Stairway To Heaven (Kwong Sang Woo, Choi Ji Woo, Kim Tae Hee ) 4D

Star Falling From The Sky/Wish Upon A Star/Pick The Stars (Choi Jeong Won, Shin Dong Wook, Kim Ji Hoon) 4D 20e

Star's Lover/Celebrity's Sweetheart (Choi Ji Woo, Yo Ji Tae ) 5D 20e

Still Marry Me ( Kim Bum,Park Jin Hee,Uhm Ji Won, Wang Bit Na) 3D 16e

Story Of A Man ( Park Yong Ha, Park Si Yeon, Kim Kang Woo ) 4D

Style ( Ryu Shi Won, Lee Ji Ah, Kim Hye Soo, Lee Yong Woo) 3D 16e

Summer Days ( Hyun Bin, Shin Min Ah ) 2D

Summer Scent ( Song Seong Hyun, Son Ye Jin ) 4D 20e

Surgeon Bong Dal Hae ( Lee Yo Won, Lee Bum Soo, Oh Yoon Ah ) 3D 18e

Swallow The Sun ( Ji Sung, Sung Yu Ri, So Yi Hyun, Lee Wan, Han Ji Yun) 4D 24e

Sweet And Spicy Love 6D


Taereung National Village ( Lee Min Ki, Choi Jung Yoon, Lee Seon Kyun) 3D 8e

Temptation Of An Angel ( Han Sang Jin, Lee So Yeo, Kim Tae Hyun) 4D 21e

Terroir ( Kim Joo Hyuk, Han Hye Jin ) 5D

Thank You ( Jang Hyuk,Gong Hyo Jin ) 6D

That Fool/The Accidental Couple ( Hwang Jun Ming, Kim Ah Joong ) 4D

The 1st Shop At Coffee Prince (Yoon Eun Hye , Gong Yoo ) 5D

The Fugitive Plan B/ Runaway (Rain,Jung Ji Hoon,Lee Na Young,Danniel Henney) 4D 20e
The Great White Tower ( Cha In Pyo, Kim Myung Min ) 6D

The Homicide Investigation Team ( Ko Hyun Jung, Ha Jung Woo ) 4D 20e

The Influence ( Lee Byung Hun, Han Chae Young ) 2D

The Ireland (Lee Na Young, Kim Min Joon, Kim Min Jeong, Hyeon Bin) 4D 16e

The Lawyers Of Great Korea ( Lee Sung Jae, Lee Soo Kyung ) 4D

The Man Who Can’t Get Married/He Who Can't Marry (Ji Jin Hee, Uhm Jung Eun, Kim So Eun) 3D 16e

The Partner (Kim Hyeon Joo, Lee Dong Wook, Choi Chul Ho, Lee Honey) 3D 16e

The Person I Love/My Dearest Love ( Kim Dong Wan, Han Eun Jung ) 5D

The Queen Return ( Hwang Sin Hye, Oh Yeon Soo, Tak Jae Hoon) 4D 16e

The Road Home (Ban Hyo Jung, Hye Won Park, Im Ye Jin) 10D 120e

The Scale Of Providence ( Song Chang Ui, Lee Sang Yoon ) 4D

The Secret Of Coocoo Island ( Kim Seon Kyeong, Kim Kwang Gyoo) 6D 40e

The Snow Queen ( Sung Yu Ri, Hyun Bin ) 3D

The Sons Of Sol Pharmacy House ( Son Hyun Joo, Lee Pil Mo, Han Sang Jin) 6D 54e

The Spotlight ( Son Ye Jin, Ji Jin Hee ) 4D

The Vineyard Man ( Yoon Eun Hye, Oh Man Seok, Kim Ji Suk ) 3D 16e

Things We Do That We Know We Will Regret ( Kim Jung Hwa, Jung Soo Young ) 3D

Three Brothers ( Park In Hwan, Do Ji Won, Lee Hyo Choon ) 6D 70e

Three Sisters ( Myung Se Bin, Yang Mi Ra, Jo An ) 6D 123e

Tree Of Heaven ( Lee Wan, Park Shin Hye ) 4D

Triple ( Lee Jung Jae, Lee Sun Gyun, Yoon Kye Sang, Min Hyo Rin) 3D 16e


U Turn ( So Ji Sub, Lee Yeon Hee ) 2D


Vacation ( DBSK ) 2D


War Of Money (Park Shin Yang, Park Jin Hee, Shin Dong Wook ) 6D 16e

What Happen On Island/Island Village Teacher (Han Ji Hye,Kim Min Jong,Park Eun Hye,Lee Dong Wook) 4D

When It's At Night ( Lee Dong Gun, Kim Sun Ah ) 4D

When Spring Comes ( Lee Han, Lee Ha Na, Park Gun Yung, Park Si Yeon ) 5D

White Lies ( Shin Eun Gyung, Kim Yoo Suk ) 10D 159e

Who Are You (Go Ah Ra, Kang Nam Gil, Yoon Kye Sang ) 4D

Why Did You Come To My House ( Lee Seo Yeon, Kim Ji Hoon ) 5D

Wife & Woman ( Lee Eung Hyeong, Lee Joo Seoh, Jeong So Yeong) 8D 156e

Will It Snow For Christmas (Go Soo,Han Ye Seul,Song Jong Ho) 4D 16e

Winter Bird ( Park Sun Young, Lee Tae Gon ) 5D

Winter Sonata (Bae Yong Jung, Choi Ji Woo) 4D

Witch Yo Hee ( Han Ga In, Jae Hee, Kim Jeong Hoon ) 3D

Women Of The Sun ( Han Jae Suk, Kim Ji Soo, Lee Ha Na ) 5D

Working Mom ( Yum Jung Ah, Bong Tae Ky ) 4D

Worlds Within (Song Hye Kyo, Hyun Bin, Lee Da In, Seo Hyo Rim) 4D 16e


You Are My Destiny (Im Yoon Ah,Lee Ji Hoon) 10D 178e

You’re Beautiful / He's Beautiful (Jang Geun Suk,Park Shin Hye,Lee Hong Ki)3D 16e
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Judul :
Pemain :
Colin Farrell
Keira Knightley
David Thewlis
Anna Friel
Ben Chaplin
Ray Winstone
Eddie Marsan
Sanjeev Bhaskar
Stephen Graham
Ophelia Lovibond
Setelah tiga tahun dipenjara, Mitchell (Colin Farrell) bebas dari Penjara Pentonville. Tetapi ketika teman lamanya, Billy (Ben Chaplin), seorang gangster mencarinya untuk sebuah pekerjaan, Mitchell bergabung dengannya agar mendapat tempat tinggal. Terjebak masa lalunya, Mitchell terlibat dalam kehidupan Charlotte (Keira Knightley), bintang film yang bersembunyi di rumah mewahnya dari sekelompok wartawan dan fotografer. Tersentuh oleh kecantikannya dan kerentanannya, Mitchell segera berperan sebagai pelindung bagi Charlotte, menghindari juru kamera yang agresif, penguntit dan penjahat lainnya, begitu pula dengan taktik Billy untuk merampok rumah-rumah seni mahal dan mobil-mobil mewah

Kisah asmara mereka yang semakin dalam membuat Mitchell dan Charlotte berencana untuk memulai sesuatu yang baru di Los Angeles. Namun Mitchell telah menangkap rencana pimpinan mafia, Gant (Ray Winstone), yang melihatnya sebagai aset potensial bagi bisnis mereka. Ketika Mitchell menolak tawaran tersebut, Gant memutuskan untuk membunuh Mitchell. Mengetahui bahwa tidak ada yang aman berada didekatnya, termasuk Charlotte, Mitchell memutuskan untuk mengambil langkah-langkah drastis menyelesaikan semua masalahnya untuk selamanya
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Minggu, 06 Maret 2011

My Bratty Princess

Judul: My Bratty Princess
Genre: Wuxia, Comedy
Tahun Produksi: 2005
Episodes: 36
Total: 6 disk
Harga: 30.000
Pemain: Alec Su, Bao Lei, Gu Yong Fei, Jang nara

Situ Jing, a mischievous free-thinking lady, and her companion, A Ling, go on a series of adventures. She does not know that she is a princess of the former royal family. To protect her family’s reputation outside the home, Situ Jing dresses as a man and calls herself Xiao Long Xia. Concerned about the plight of the refugees which the officials have been ignoring, she comes up with various schemes to help them.

Emperor Zhu Yun has been steadily working on consolidating the empire that his father had left him. A monk once gave him a puzzle, telling him that whoever solves it will help him with the problems of the empire. He escapes from his palace to wander around the city with his companion. He befriends Xiao Long Xia after he realizes that the money she has conned and stolen from others is being spent on the refugees. When Xiao Long Xia solves the puzzle, he decides to maintain closer ties with her.

The Lord of Yunnan’s sister was the previous queen who drank poison and died when the last dynasty was attacked. His son, Bai Yun Fei is betrothed to Princess An Ning, sister of Emperor Zhu Yun.

An unlikely friendship develops between the Emperor, Xiao Longxia and Bai Yu Fei, each pretending to the others to be someone else. Palace and court intrigues, rebellion and assasination plots abound.
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Definitely Neighbors

Judul: Definitely Neighbors
Genre: Family, Romance
Tahun Produksi: 2010
Episodes: 65
Total: 6 disk
Harga: 30.000
Pemain: Yoo Ho Jung, Han Chae Ah, Park Geun Hyung, Jung Jae Soon, Son Hyun Joo, Ban Hyo Jung, Ahn Eun Jung

Married couple gets divorced. Prior to their divorce, the couple had an argument and their five year old son left the house. Their child died by a car accident. The guilt from their child’s death weighted heavily on the parents and eventually they divorced because of this.

As time goes on, the ex spouses meet again as neighbors.
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Judul: Sign
Genre: Medical, mystery, romance
Tahun Produksi: 2011
Episodes: 20
Total: 4 disk
Harga: 20.000
Pemain: Park Shin Yang, Kim Ah Joong, Uhm Ji Won, Jung Gyu Woon, Jun Kwang Ryul
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Selasa, 01 Maret 2011

Dream High

Judul: Dream High
Genre: School, romance
Episode: 16
Tahun Produksi: 2011
Total: 4 disk
Harga: 20.000
Pemain: Kim Soo Hyun, Taecyeon, Suzy, Ham Eun Jung, Wooyoung, IU, Uhm Ki Joon

Drama ini bercerita soal 6 orang siswa dari Kirin Art High School yg berusaha menggapai mimpi mereka menjadi bintang.

Kim Soo-hyun : Di drama ini dia berperan sebagai Song Sam-dong. Seorang pria dari kota kecil yg tinggal bersama ibunya. Sam Dong punya cita-cita sejak kecil memiliki pertanian sendiri. Tapi, tidak demikian, Sam Dong akhirnya suatu hari jatuh cinta pada seorang gadis dari Seoul, Hye Mi. Saking cintanya, dia akan melakukan apapun untuk Hye Mi (Suzy). Lalu, dia malah mengikuti gadis itu ke sebuah SMA seni, dimana akhirnya dia menemukan bakat terpendamnya dalam bidang musik dan memulai jalannya menjadi seorang bintang.

Suzy Miss A : Di drama ini dia menjadi Hye Mi, seorang gadis yg sempurna, karena dia adalah yg terbaik di segala hal. Tapi, kejelekannya, dia punya kepribadian yg kasar. Suatu hari, bisnis ayahnya bangkrut, dan dia pun menghentikan latihan vokalnya dan memutuskan untuk ikutan audisi untuk menjadi penyanyi pop di SMA seni Kirin. Padahal sebelumhya, Hye Mi itu amat menghindari profesi ini karena dia pikir profesi ini rendahan dan tidak menjanjikan.

Hyemi sendiri tidak suka penampilan Sam Dong yg acak-acakan seperti gelandangan. Akhirnya, Hyemi mengajak Sam Dong ke sebuah salon, untuk memotong rambut gondrongnya dan mengganti bajunya yg seperti gelandangan. Meski tadinya seperti mengacuhkan, Hyemi tetap tidak bisa menutupi kalau dia kagum dengan ketampanan Sam Dong setelah make over.

Taecyeon : Akan menjadi seorang pria muda yg jadi yatim piatu setelah ditinggal ibunya bernaa Jin Gook. Akhirnya, dia diasuh kakek dari ayahnya, seorang pebisnis dan CEO, tapi dia tidak mau tinggal bersamanya. Lalu, dia malah memilih jalan hidup sendiri. Yakni, menari bersama teman-temannya di jalanan dan akhirnya ikut audisi Kirin Arts School. Jin Gook nanti akan jatuh cinta pada Hyemi.

Eunjung T-Ara : Akan menjadi sahabat dekat Hye Mi. Namanya, Yoon Baek Hee. Di sini, peran Eunjung akan menjadi yg selalu dikesampingkan karena silaunya sinar popularitas Hye Mi. Eunjung akan jadi gadis yg selalu diacuhkan oleh orang-orang di sekitarnya bahkan oleh ibunya sendiri. Saking selalu membuntuti Hye Mi kemanapun, akhirnya mereka berdua sama-sama ikut audisi di SMA seni Kirin. Di sinilah dia memulai meraih mimpinya…

Wooyoung : Akan menjadi Jason, orang Korea yg kembali dari setelah lama tinggal di USA. Jason sangat berbakat dan sempurna dalam menyanyi dan menari. Tapi, dia tidak punya jiwa bersaing. Ya, bisa dibilang Jason ini orang yg easy going. Jadi, dia hanya ingin menikmati musik sebagai bagian hidupnya.

IU : Akan jadi gadis bernama Pil Sook. IU akan jadi gadis yg gendut, tapi punya bakat luar biasa dalam menyanyi. Karakter Pil Sook sendiri adalah gadis yg ceria, gendut tapi cantik dan sensitive, ya bisa dibilang akan jadi gadis yg tipikalnya gampang jatuh cinta. Pil Sook ngefans berat dengan Kim Hyun-joong. Bahkan saat konsernya Kim Hyun Joong dia dengan tanpa sadar berteriak, “Victory!” Lalu, dia diajak naik ke panggung. Saking gugupnya, dia sampe salah nyebut nama, dari Pil Sook jadi Pil-seung. Pil Sook malah jadi popular di antara fansnya Kim Hyun Joong. Pil Sook nantinya akan jatuh cinta dengan Jason.
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Spartacus: Gods of the Arena

Judul: Spartacus: Gods of the Arena
Genre: Action, Adventure, Biography, Drama, History
Tahun Produksi: 2011
Total: 1 disk
Harga: Rp. 5.000
Pemain: Lucy Lawless, Lesley-Ann Brandt, Jessica Grace Smith

Before Spartacus struck down his first opponent in the arena, there were many gladiators who passed though the gates onto the sand.’Spartacus: Gods of the Arena’ tells the story of the original Champion of the House of Batiatus: Gannicus in a more ruthless time before Spartacus’ arrival where honor was just finding its way into the arena.
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TRON: Legacy

Judul: TRON: Legacy
Genre: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Tahun Produksi: 2010
Total: 1 disk
Harga: Rp. 5.000
Pemain: Jeff Bridges, Garrett Hedlund, Olivia Wilde

Sam Flynn, the tech-savvy 27-year-old son of Kevin Flynn, looks into his father’s disappearance and finds himself pulled into the same world of fierce programs and gladiatorial games where his father has been living for 20 years. Along with Kevin’s loyal confidant, father and son embark on a life-and-death journey across a visually-stunning cyber universe that has become far more advanced and exceedingly dangerous.
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Senin, 28 Februari 2011

Megamind: The Button of Doom

Judul: Megamind: The Button of Doom
Genre: Animation
Tahun Produksi: 2011
Total: 1 disk
Harga: Rp. 5.000
Pemain: Michelle Belforte, Jordan Alexander Hauser, Kevin N. Bailey

For their first day on the job as the new protectors of Metro City, Megamind and Minion are selling off the gadgets from their evil lair. But when one seemingly harmless “button” unleashes the gigantic robot MEGA-MEGAmind, the duo will have to resort their old tricks to restore order in this all-new action-comedy from DreamWorks Animation.
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Sword of War

Judul: Sword of War
Genre: Drama, History
Tahun Produksi: 2009
Total: 1 disk
Harga: Rp. 5.000
Pemain: Rutger Hauer, Raz Degan, F. Murray Abraham

German Emperor Barbarossa will stop at nothing to conquer and build his empire. But a young man from Milan, along with his army of 900 men known as the Company of Death, is prepared to challenge the Emperor.
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Judul: Unkownn
Genre: Action, Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Tahun Produksi: 2011
Total: 1 disk
Harga: Rp. 5.000
Pemain: Liam Neeson, Diane Kruger, January Jones

A man awakens from a coma, only to discover that someone has taken on his identity and that no one, (not even his wife), believes him. With the help of a young woman, he sets out to prove who he is.
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Elephant White

Judul: Elephant White
Genre: Action, Thriller
Tahun Produksi: 2011
Total: 1 disk
Harga: Rp. 5.000
Pemain: Kevin Bacon, Djimon Hounsou, Ron Smoorenburg

An assassin is hired by a businessman to avenge the murder of his daughter by white slave traders in Thailand.
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The Clinic

Judul: The Clinic
Genre: Horror, Thriller
Tahun Produksi: 2010
Total: 1 disk
Harga: Rp. 5.000
Pemain: Tabrett Bethell, Freya Stafford, Andy Whitfield

While traveling across country with her fiancĂ©, Beth wakes alone in an isolated clinic to a mother’s worst nightmare. Just how far will she go to save her child?
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I Am Number Four

Judul: I Am Number Four
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Tahun Produksi: 2011
Total: 1 disk
Harga: Rp. 5.000
Pemain: Alex Pettyfer, Timothy Olyphant, Dianna Agron

Extraordinary teen John Smith (Pettyfer) is a fugitive on the run from ruthless enemies sent to destroy him. Changing his identity, moving from town to town with his guardian Henri (Olyphant), John is always the new kid with no ties to his past. In the small Ohio town he now calls home, John encounters unexpected, life-changing events-his first love (Agron), powerful new abilities and a connection to the others who share his incredible destiny.
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Zatoichi: The Last

Judul: Zatoichi: The Last
Genre: Action
Tahun Produksi: 2010
Total: 1 disk
Harga: Rp. 5.000
Pemain: Shingo Katori, Takashi Sorimachi, Satomi Ishihara

Zatoichi: The Last 2010 : Sebuah master pendekar buta mencoba untuk menjalani hidup tenang dengan istrinya namun ia diprovokasi kembali ke pertempuran.
Zatoichi, karakter, diciptakan oleh novelis Kan Shimozawa dan diadaptasi ke layar lebar oleh Daiei Studios dan aktor Shintaro Katsu. Dari tahun 1962 sampai 1973, Shintaro menggambarkan pendekar buta di 25 film. Dia juga membintangi sebuah serial TV yang terkait dari tahun 1974 sampai 1979 dan kembali ke karakter untuk busur film akhir tahun 1989.

Sejak itu, aktor-sutradara Takeshi Kitano telah membintangi ZATOICHI, sebuah film kebangkitan dan upeti pada tahun 2003 dan diarahkan Fumihiko Sori Ichi (2008), suatu penciptaan kembali feminin karakter dengan aktris Haruka Ayase memainkan swordswoman buta.
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All’s Well, Ends Well 2011

Judul: All’s Well, Ends Well 2011
Genre: Comedy
Tahun Produksi: 2011
Total: 1 disk
Harga: Rp. 5.000
Pemain: Donnie Yen, Louis Koo, Cecilia Cheung

Make-up artist Sammy is hired by Dream (Yan Ni) as the director of a cosmetic company with Claire (Cecilia Cheung) being the only colleague who is willing to assist him. Sammy invites Ron, a fellow makeup artiste cum woman magnet to join him. Though Ron might appear to be a woman’s magnet, his heart still lingers with his first love Mona, a frustrated writer. A minor incident in the new product commercial ties the friendship among Sammy, Ron and the yacht billionaire Syd (Chapman To). Syd meets Claire and aims to pursue her. Having grown up in a poor family, Claire seizes this as a golden opportunity to live a prosperous life and asks Sammy for help to fulfil her dream, without realizing that she has fallen in love with Sammy.
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Judul: Gantz
Genre: Action
Tahun Produksi: 2011
Total: 1 disk
Harga: Rp. 5.000
Pemain: Kenichi Matsuyama, Kazunari Ninomiya, Takayuki Yamada

After trying to rescue a man on the subway tracks, two teens wake up in a room dominated by a mysterious black sphere that sends them to hunt down and kill aliens hiding on Earth.
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Death Bell 2: Bloody Camp

Judul: Death Bell 2: Bloody Camp
Genre: horor
Tahun Produksi: 2010
Total: 1 disk
Harga: 5.000
Pemain: Park Ji-Yeon, Hwang Jung-Eum, Yoon Si-Yoon, Park Eun-Bin

A college-aged student teacher (played by Hwang Jeong-Eum) is assigned to a high school. Once she arrives murders start occurring in succession …
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A Better Tomorrow

Judul: A Better Tomorrow
Tahun Produksi: 2010
Total: 1 disk
Harga: 5.000
Pemain: Joo Jin-Mo, Song Seung-Heon, Kim Kang-Woo, Jo Han-Seon

Kim Hyuk (Joo Jin-Mo) lives the fast life as a high ranking mobster in the port city of Busan, South Korea. His closet friend is fellow mobster Lee Young-Choon (Song Seung-Heon). Even though Kim Hyuk seems to be on top of the world, he is haunted by the memory of leaving behind his younger brother Kim Chul (Kim Kang-Woo) and mother as they attempted to flee into South Korea from North Korea. Kim Hyuk’s mother was beaten to death and Kim Chul imprisoned after they were caught by North Korean authorities.

Kim Hyuk then travels to Thailand with new gang recruit Jung Tae-Min (Jo Han-Seon) for a meeting with Thai gangsters. The meeting turns out to be a set-up, planned in part by Jung Tae-Min. Kim Hyuk is able to shoot his way out the meeting, but he is later caught by the Thai police and imprisoned. When good friend Lee Young-Choon hears of what happened to Kim Hyuk in Thailand, he goes to the Thai gang’s holdout in Pusan to kill their boss. During the shootout Jung Tae-Min is shot in the leg.

Three years later, Kim Hyuk is finallly released from prison and travels back to Busan. He finds his close friend Lee Young-Choon washing cars now and has a limp leg. Jung Tae-Min, the man that betrayed him, has climbed up the mob ranks and is now a feared crime boss. Furthermore, Kim Hyuk’s younger brother Kim Chul has arrived in Busan and works for the Busan Police Department. Meanwhile, Kim Chul keeps close tabs on Jung Tae-Min as he attempts to take down their gang.

When Jung Tae-Min attempts to take out Kim Hyuk’s younger brother, Kim Hyuk throws himself back into the gang world to exact revenge.
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S.W.A.T.: Firefight

Judul: S.W.A.T.: Firefight
Genre: Action
Tahun Produksi: 2011
Total: 1 disk
Harga: Rp. 5.000
Pemain: Gabriel Macht, Robert Patrick, Kristanna Loken

A relentless government assassin played by Robert Patrick (Terminator 2) stalks the Detroit S.W.A.T. team in this explosive urban action thriller. Gabriel Macht as Paul Cutler knows a thing or two about diffusing tense situations. An LAPD cop and anti-terrorism expert who accepts a job teaching hostage rescue tactics in Detroit, Cutler finds his reputation on the line after responding to a domestic dispute call black-ops hit man Walter Hatch, Patrick and failing to save the hostage. Now, Walter is back, and he won’t stop until the entire S.W.A.T. team is dead. Giancarlo Esposito and Kristanna Loken co-star.
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Never Let Me Go

Judul: Never Let Me Go
Genre: Drama, Romance
Tahun Produksi: 2010
Total: 1 disk
Harga: Rp. 5.000
Pemain: Keira Knightley, Carey Mulligan, Andrew Garfield

As children, Ruth, Kathy and Tommy, spend their childhood at a seemingly idyllic English boarding school. As they grow into young adults, they find that they have to come to terms with the strength of the love they feel for each other, while preparing themselves for the haunting reality that awaits them.
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The Nutcracker in 3D

Judul: The Nutcracker in 3D
Genre: Action, Family, Fantasy, Musical
Tahun Produksi: 2010
Total: 1 disk
Harga: Rp. 5.000
Pemain: Elle Fanning, Nathan Lane, John Turturro

1920s Vienna. Nine-year-old Mary lives in a home filled with lovely things and loneliness. Bothered by bratty brother Max and neglected by well intentioned, but distracted, parents, she yearns for companionship and adventure. On Christmas Eve, Mary’s beloved Uncle Albert arrives with the gift of a wooden nutcracker doll. Later that night, Mary’s imagination brings the doll to life. Introducing himself as “NC,” he takes her on a wondrous journey through a stunning dimension where toys assume human form and everything appears ten times larger. But danger lurks. An army of toothy rat creatures, led by the flamboyant Rat King and his devious mother, has unleashed a plot to overthrow humanity. When NC is captured and placed under a paralytic spell, Mary, Max and a spirited band of toy sidekicks must rescue him from the Rat King’s clutches and thwart his wicked plans to ‘ratify’ the world.
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